Me Too Sexual Abuse
Domestic Violence 5 (1

I am a Survivor to Thriver Life Coach and writer with over 22 years of experience as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. As a Life Coach, I can help you recover from the trauma of domestic violence and sexual abuse. If you or a loved one is a survivor of sexual abuse or domestic violence, my book “Me Too, Child and Adult Sexual Abuse and Prevention” is a must read to help you understand how to take the next steps in your healing journey

Me Too, Child and Adult Sexual Abuse and Prevention published in 2018 and available on Amazon.

  • Brings awareness of the extent of the devastation to and problems faced by domestic violence and sexual abuse survivors
  • Offers preventive and healing steps
  • Helps inform those assisting survivors to heal
  • Provides awareness and education essential to prevention


Contact me now to begin your journey now:

Telephone: 941-922-5908


Speaking Engagements Available.